Hey it’s the Lance Man back from another greet weekend! No girls or parties, just hanging out with my dog – Shooter – and watching a few movies. Ok, let’s get started.
Here’s the very plastic Victoria Silvstedt pictured hanging out on the beach as always. This woman lives for the beach. She still looks like an overstuffed, overaged Barbie doll. As a matter of fact, she looks like Barbie at 60, in my opinion. Her enhancements are horrid and her lips still looks like she could use them to swim from Florida to Hawaii, the long way around. I like a woman with a more natural look and you can even tell those are blonde extensions in her hair. Is anything on this woman real?
So, now is the time for me to say Peace Out, have a great week and up next is Jenny Bikini who is nice but a little plain. I put in the office pot for her to get a makeover but you can’t get far on $10.00. See you soon, LB.
Photo Credit: Bauer-Griffin