Archive for the ‘Rachel Uchitel’ Category

Rachel Uchitel Bikini Pictures

Friday, December 2nd, 2011
Rachel Uchitel Bikini Pictures Rachel Uchitel Bikini Pictures

One thing that I admire about Rachel Uchitel is her ability to bounce back in the midst of controversy. That’s the sign of a strong woman. Congrats on her marriage and I’m so loving her white bikini with cute splashes of color on it. Who is her trainer because she always seems to look perfect. Flat abs, slender thighs and tanned. How do you do it Rachel? Oh well, good luck to you in your future endeavors.

Alrighty my awesome Celebrity Bikini Gossip babies, have a wonderful weekend and remember to stay true to yourself. Gerald and I are going to curl up on the sofa and watch movies all weekend!! I can’t wait!!

Rachel Uchitel Bikini Pictures

Wednesday, November 16th, 2011
Rachel Uchitel Bikini Pictures Rachel Uchitel Bikini Pictures

Back by popular demand are more pictures of the very lovely Rachel Uchitel walking along with the beach in a stunning white bikini. You really need to have a confident attitude to walk around in an all white bikini because it really shows any and all flaws if you have them. It seems that Rachel is very confident about her body and that’s great. Keep up the great work Rachel and we’re always happy to showcase your bikini pictures. You’ve come a long way.

Rachel Uchitel Bikini Pictures

Tuesday, November 15th, 2011
Rachel Uchitel Bikini Pictures Rachel Uchitel Bikini Pictures

Hello my awesome Celebrity Bikini Gossip babies!!! Yes, it’s Jenny Bikini, your favorite celebrity reporter, back from a wonderful weekend with my boyfriend Gerald. I’m sorry that Mr. Lance Butts is so jealous that he had to comment on my talking about Gerald all of the time but I’m in love. Yes, I said it..I’m in love. Maybe you can find someone to love you too one day Lance. 🙂

So let’s start out with some beautiful pictures of Rachel Uchitel wearing an super hot bikini that’s really eye catching. I’m loving the black and white polka dot top and the black and white zebra bottoms with the red trim on both. Her taste in bikinis is always very impressive and I especially look forward to seeing her out and about. Nice going Rachel.

Rachel Uchitel Bikini Pictures

Friday, April 22nd, 2011
Rachel Uchitel Bikini Pictures Rachel Uchitel Bikini Pictures

Still managing to keep herself in the public eye is Rachel Uchitel. If you forgot who she was (and I don’t think you have), she was reportedly one of Tiger Wood’s mistresses. Rachel has since moved on and has starred on the TV reality show “Celebrity Rehab”. I saw her episodes and after I did, my opinion of her kind of changed. I used to think she was a dumb bimbo but she’s more sensitive and caring than I thought and the public has torn her to shreds. I still think she’s hungry for the public eye but just doesn’t know how to handle it when she gets it.

Rachel does look hot in her pink bikini with stars on it. See what I mean. She’s in love with stars. You can’t see but she’s holding the hand of a guy and they’re walking along the beach. She’s seen holding and kissing him in other pictures so he’s probably a new beau or friend. Good luck Rachel and very anxious to see what 2011-2012 will bring your way.

As far as my situation, I’m seriously considering dumbing Barbie and Bambi and I really don’t care if they read about it first here because they do read my posts. My dad says I should forgive and move on and just live as one big happy family with Barbie, Bambi and Tony Fish’s kids. Tony is practically in a coma himself with shock. He’s my buddy and will always be so I’m really not mad at him. We stuck him with Brittany (Barbie and Bambi’s stalker younger sister) so he has his hands full with her showing up at job and honestly that’s enough pay back for me. lol If I have to be single all over again, so be it. I can’t take this emotional rollercoaster much longer. I miss my single life. Oh well, I’ll keep you posted on my decision. Until then, enjoy the very spunky Jenny Bikini. So try and be good and PEACE!!!

Photo Credit: PacificCoastNews

Rachel Uchitel Bikini Pictures

Friday, September 10th, 2010
Rachel Uchitel  Bikini Pictures Rachel Uchitel  Bikini Pictures

I’m back! It’s your favorite celebrity reporter Jenny Bikini back to dig into some great Celebrity Bikini Gossip with you! Here’s Tiger Wood’s Mistress #1 – Rachel Uchitel – walking along the beach looking really nice in a black bikini and cute skirt. I love the skirts because it helps to cover up when you don’t feel like showing everything. You still want to enjoy the beach but don’t feel like exposing your skin to do it. I have no personal feelings towards Ms. Uchitel. I just think she participated in a situation that blew up in the media and being an adult, you should take responsiblity for your actions. She’s received a lot of tv offers and who knows, she just might star in her own tv show one day. You never know.

Photo Credit: PacificCoastNews

Rachel Uchitel Bikini Picture

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010
Rachel Uchitel Bikini Pictures Rachel Uchitel Bikini Pictures

Well if it isn’t the queen of celebrity mistresses, Rachel Uchitel hanging out in a sexy bikini. It’s funny these days how people become celebs by reason of association. No one knew her until the Tiger Woods incident and now she’s like a household name and proclaimed Mistress #1.

She’s been offered tv shows, exclusive interviews and the like for committing one of the biggest no-no’s known to man, adultery. What’s this world coming to? We are so interested in knowing about this home wrecker’s life? She’s not by herself, of course it takes two but it’s just so weird how all of sudden we are very interested in the life of someone who has helped to bring pain and misery to an entire family.

Centuries ago women like that were shunned by the community. No one would even talk to her or want her around but not now, now we put them up on tv, chase them around for photographs and blog and talk about them all day long. It just strikes me funny.

Ok, anyways, it’s my time out and I want everyone to have a great week. Up next is the thorough Jenny Bikini. See how nice I can play. Peace!!

Photo Credit: PacificCoastNews