Happy Monday my beautiful Celebrity Bikini Gossip babies!!! I hope that you had a very enjoyable Easter holiday. I’m so excited to be the first to showcase pictures of one of my favorite actresses – Minnie Driver. Minnie is an English actress and singer-songwriter. She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in the 1997 film Good Will Hunting, as well as for an Emmy Award and a Golden Globe for her work in the television series The Riches. You can tell she works out because she looks awesome in a green, white and pink bikini. Kudos to you Minnie and keep up the great work. I’m loving your bikini fashion.
Wow, time sure passes quickly when we’re having fun. Now is the time to hand you gently over to Mr. Lance Butts. He’s Mr. Party Time all of the time and it’s going to catch up to him one of these days. Until then I guess he will just continue to stumble into work whenever he’s back in town with his three friends that follow him everywhere! I will miss you all and remember that Jenny Bikini loves you!!! Toodles!!! Smooches!!! JB