Archive for November, 2010

Denise Milani Bikini Pictures

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010
Denise Milani Bikini Pictures Denise Milani Bikini Pictures

Back by popular demand is the awesome Lance Man!!! I know you missed me baby! Hey, have I got a story for you guys. As always, the Lance Man is very popular with the ladies and this past weekend was no different. As a matter of fact, something very interesting happened and I’ll give you all of the details below. But now…

I wanted to perk up your senses with these pictures of Denise Milani. We received some great feedback due to the pictures we put up last week. She’s super hot right? I know! I received so much mail asking how they could meet up with her. Dudes….I don’t know…stop asking me ok? I want to know just like you do, ok and if I knew, I WOULDN’T TELL YOU. Ok….let’s get real. I’d keep it for myself, of course. Anyways…..she looks even hotter in these photos right?

Oh Denise, if you’re reading this, contact me. I’d love to take you out, ok? Honestly, if you have a boyfriend, he can come too. I’m dead serious.

Now, about my weekend. Well I was talking to Barbie and Bambie (my lovely amazons) about doing something to spruce up our relationship and these girls listen very well. They just so happen to have a girlfriend named “Blonde Bomb” and they introduced me to her. So I won’t get into the gory details but yes, I had my first “sort of” foursome this weekend. Nothing too kinky, just hanging out in the jacuzzi and getting to know each other. No way was Bambi and Barbie going to let Blonde Bomb get to know me that well but she slipped me her number when they weren’t looking. I’d feel like a cheater if I called her but I don’t see a ring on this finger. You understand fellas? Let’s just say, I didn’t tear the number up but Bambi and Barbie read this site so I might be in some trouble. I’ll keep you posted…..

Photo Credit: Bloody Disgusting

Paris Hilton Bikini Pictures

Monday, November 29th, 2010
Paris Hilton Bikini Pictures Paris Hilton Bikini Pictures

Hey everyone, hope you had a great weekend. It’s Jenny Bikini here ready to gossip about hot Paris Hilton. Doesn’t she look awesome in her bikini? She looks awesome in anything she puts on, in my opinion. I really admire Paris because she doesn’t seem to let things get to her (at least she doesn’t show it). She always looks calm and cool no matter what. Maybe that comes from living in a high profile family. She knows not to let them see you sweat, which is a great trait to have. Keep up the great work Paris and good luck on all your legal problems. We’re watching…..

Ok everyone, gosh, it’s so funny how time flies when you’re having fun. I really enjoy spending time with you guys. It’s my most favorite time of the work day. Ok, Happy Holidays and please stay safe this season. Keep doing what you’re doing and up next is the festive Mr. Lance Butts. Can’t wait to hear about his weekend. I’m just like you!

Photo Credit: Just Jared

Sara Paxton Bikini Pictures

Friday, November 26th, 2010
Sara Paxton Bikini Pictures Sara Paxton Bikini Pictures

Oh how lucky we are to get pictures of is an American actress, model and singer. Paxton has also starred in the films Sleepover, Aquamarine, Return to Halloweentown, The Last House on the Left, Sydney White and Superhero Movie. Her performance in the movie The Last House on the Left was very powerful, she did an awesome job. That’s why it’s so special to see her running on the beach in a bikini. I guess I thought she was very low key and wasn’t into the paparazzi thing so I’m thankful someone tagged her in these photos. I wish her the best with her career and love her acting. Hope to see you in many more productions Sara. You’re so pretty.

Photo Credit: DC Fans Tv

Paris Hilton Bikini Pictures

Thursday, November 25th, 2010
Paris Hilton Bikini Pictures Paris Hilton Bikini Pictures

Hello!!! It’s your favorite reporter Jenny Bikini back to enjoy pictures of sexy celebs in hot bikinis!! I thought I’d start with a few pictures of one of my favorite socialites – Ms. Paris Hilton. Parish is awesome. I’m a big fan of hers just because she always holds her head up with lots of class no matter what legal problems she’s facing. I get lots of inspiration from Paris because she never goes around making excuses for her behavior. Either you take her or leave her and she’s going to live her life like she wants no matter what. You have to respect that if anything else. In these pictures, she’s a gathering at a pool looking fabulous as ever. Keep up the great work Paris and good luck on your probation.

Britney Spears Bikini Pictures

Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
Britney Spears  Bikini Pictures Britney Spears Bikini Pictures

She’s toxic! Here’s my favorite poplet hanging out in a super sexy pink bikini. Yes, it’s Britney Spears.

I can’t believe that Britney’s face isn’t plastered all over the tabloids right now. She must really enjoy her celebrity bashing break. I like Brit Brit and am so glad to see that’s she’s doing well. Keep up the great work Brit!

Well folks, it’s time for the Lance Man to bid you farewell for a few days. Up next is the very spunky Jenny Bikini. I don’t see how she can remain cheerful and friendly ALL OF THE TIME. One day she’s gonna snap. I just know it. lol Until we see each other again, take care of yourselves and do anything I would do! PEACE! Barbie and Bambi here I come. I couldn’t stay away from them. I’m just gonna let nature take it’s course. lol

Photo Credit: Just Jared

Lucy Pinder Bikini Pictures

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010
Lucy Pinder Bikini Pictures Lucy Pinder Bikini Pictures

Looking so hot in a black bikini is Lucy Pinder. She’s an English glamour model, from Winchester, Hampshire. If anything, you might have seen her on the tv reality show called Celebrity Big Brother. Other than that, she does mostly UK tv shows and appearances.

I just wanted to feature her because she looks awesome in a bikini. She has the perfect body and why not show it off. I like her because she’s involved in charitable work. Pinder is an ambassador for Kick 4 Life, a charity that uses football (soccer) to fight poverty and disease in developing countries.

So not only is she hot, but she is smart and has a nice heart. But mostly she’s hot!

Photo Credit: The Hollywood Gossip

Denise Milani Bikini Pictures

Monday, November 22nd, 2010
Denise Milani Bikini Pictures Denise Milani Bikini Pictures

Happy Monday all of you celebrity in bikini lovers! It’s the Lance Man back from another smoking weekend. I’ll give you all the juicy details below.

But let’s start off with these pictures of model/actress Denise Milani posing and looking SMOKING FLAMING HOT. If you don’t know show she is, she’s a Czech model who does some print work mostly. Her name isn’t a household name and I don’t care, just look at her. I don’t even know if she’s married or single so I really can’t talk much smack. I’ll just sit back and enjoy the photos along with you.

As far as my weekend goes, I ended up giving in to Barbie and Bambi’s constant phone calls and texts. Ok, I’m a weak dude, what can I say. They came over to my place Saturday night and just left 10 minutes before I arrived at work. I’m totally exhausted but it’s a good exhausted. The three of us talked and decided that we’d just be bed buddies and that’s ok with me. They tell me they only want me for my body and I can live with that.

Photo Credit: Zimbio

Lindsay Lohan Bikini Pictures

Friday, November 19th, 2010
HERE Bikini Pictures HERE Bikini Pictures

Everyone is talking about the well being of Lindsay Lohan these days. I just think we should all give her some time to heal and get better. As you can see in these bikini pictures, she’s a very pretty girl and I’ve always liked her as an actress. It’s just a shame to see her get caught up in a life that’s very dangerous. Good to see that she’s taking the steps to get her life back on the right track.

Ok, everyone, it’s time for me to turn this back over to Mr. Lance Man. LOL. He refers to himself as that all over the office. He makes us laugh and I’m always so interested to read about his personal life with all of these woman, just like you. His cellphone is always going off. I don’t know how he has time to do any work. Oh well, that’s his problem. Until next time, I love you all and keep safe for the holidays. Toodles. JB

Photo Credit: Flash Screen

Jennifer Lopez Bikini Pictures

Thursday, November 18th, 2010
Jennifer Lopez  Bikini Pictures Jennifer Lopez Bikini Pictures

Don’t be fooled by the rocks that she’s got, she’s still Jenny from the block! Jennifer Lopez looks awesome in her beige bikini. After twins, just look at how fit she looks. Ok, in one of the photos, you can tell she still has a little bit of baby belly left but after twins, you have to admit that she looks awesome. I’m so excited to see her as one of the new American Idol judges. She will bring such a new dynamic to the show. I want to see the facial expressions she makes while talking to the contestants. I think this is going to probably bring the ratings back up because last year American Idol sucked really bad. The contestants were bad and they picked the wrong person to win, in my opinion, just like the year Adam Lambert was on. He should have won that year, in my opinion. Ok, Jenny, do your thing and can’t wait to see you in January.

Eva Longoria Bikini Pictures

Wednesday, November 17th, 2010
Eva Longoria Bikini Pictures Eva Longoria Bikini Pictures

Hey everyone!!!! It’s Jenny Bikini here! I’m back and so happy to be gossiping and sharing pictures of hot celebs in sexy bikinis. I’ve missed you all so very much and have some nice surprises for you. Let’s start out with our favorite Desperate Housewife, Eva Longoria. Doesn’t she look awesome in her bikini. She’s one of my favorite actresses because she comes across very real. I love her character on the show. She keeps things interesting and it’s like you’re watching her real life, she makes it seem so believable. Keep up the great work Eva, I’m one of your #1 fans.

Drew Barrymore Bikini Pictures

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010
Drew Barrymore  Bikini Pictures Drew Barrymore Bikini Pictures

Oh hey lookie, it’s Drew Barrymore hanging out on the beach with her long distance boyfriend Justin Long. I must say Drew looks hot for 35. She still acts like she’s in her early 20’s which is probably good for her acting career.

Justin Long is doing really great for himself. Go Justin! His career was good but now that he’s dating Drew, it’s really GREAT! He’s getting more meatier roles and not just playing the 2nd fiddle in low budget horror films anymore. He’s 32 so only a few years younger than Drew. No plans of marriage so far but if Justin knew what was good for him, he’d just on that pronto!

Alrighty good folks, it’s time for the Lance Man to pass the ball over to the very happy Jenny Bikini. Where does this chick get all her spunkiness from. On Monday mornings she’s smilling and bringing in donuts and laughing. I normally can’t get it together until at least 2pm just before it’s time to leave. Well have a great week and will keep you posted on that brazilian chick. I think it’s going to work out. Tony told me that she wants to meet. Ok, PEACE!

Photo Credit: Just Jared

Brooke Hogan Bikini Pictures

Monday, November 15th, 2010
Brooke Hogan  Bikini Pictures Brooke Hogan Bikini Pictures

Hey all you celebrity in bikini lovers! It’s the awesome Lance Man back to get down and dirty with awesome pictures and hot gossip.

Let’s start this week off with a few pictures of Hulk Hogan’s daughter Brooke Hogan. Now don’t get me wrong, Brooke Hogan has a hot body! It’s like she works out every day. She has the body of a female wrestler which makes me a little afraid of Brooke.

Brooke can probably beat the crap out of any dude. She looks very strong and although her body is hot, there’s some a bit of masculinity that concerns me. She doesn’t look like a man by no means but those shoulders make me wonder.

But she’s fine so we’ll just ride with that……..

I have some bad news for you guys….I had to break it off with Barbie and Bambi. Yeah, those chicks were just too needy. They each texted me about 40 times per day and sent me all sorts of pictures. I spent my entire day texting them back and talking on the phone…..I need a woman/women who can give me my space. I told them we could still be friends but they cried their pretty little heads off and didn’t want to hear that. But oh well, they’ll get over it. I have bigger fish to fry. I have my eye on this brazilian model who’s in town visiting my buddy Tony Tiger (that’s his real name). I’ll keep you guys posted. In the meantime, I might have to put Barbie and Bambi on call block.

Photo Credit: Blobbynet

Carrie Underwood Bikini Pictures

Friday, November 12th, 2010
Carrie Underwood Bikini Pictures Carrie Underwood Bikini Pictures

I am dead tired! Yes, you heard me say it…The Lance Man is tuckered out. Twins Barbie and Bambi are wearing me out. They’re like wild cheetahs who can’t get enough….I might have to pull back the reigns on this wild party because I could hardly make it into work this morning…..

Ok, here are some cool pictures of country superstar Carrie Underwood. She’s like one of the most famous out of the American Idol winners to make it big. I mean you say her name and people gasp. In my opinion, she’s no Dolly Parton but she does look extra fine and hot in that bikini, I mean just look at her. Well her tour is up so I’m sure it’ll be sold out because probably she’s young and pretty and fresh and new in the country scene.

Well, back to Barbie and Bambi. These girls are like firecrackers that don’t stop blowing up. I can’t keep up. I’m not as young as I used to be. The only thing is that when I mention talk of skipping seeing them for a day, they start mad crying. I don’t like watching girls cry so I give in. I need to do something fast before I wither away.

Photo Credit: Instablogimages

Christina Ricci Bikini Pictures

Thursday, November 11th, 2010
Christina Ricci  Bikini Pictures Christina Ricci Bikini Pictures

I love Christina Ricci. Ever since she did the movie Monster, I’ve been one of her most devoted fans. She’s just a very natural actress that can do anything. Every time I watch her on the silver screen, I can’t keep my eyes off of her. Her acting is very intense. Doesn’t she look awesome in her bikini. She’s managed to keep her petite figure all of the time and she looks healthy. She doesn’t look skinny and undernourished like some of those other Hollywood starlets. You don’t have to starve yourself to be famous. Keep up the great work Christina!

Well, my lovelies, it’s time for me to turn the page over to the extremely popular Mr. Lance Butts. I’ve been hearing about his date with those twins and I’m very interesting to find out how everything will turn out. His life is like a suspense novel. Me, the highlight of my life is staying home and watching my cable tv and reading gossip about celebs online. But I love my life and my kittens. My cat just had 5 kittens so I’m surrounded by love! See you soon!!!

Photo Credit: The Blemish

Katy Perry Bikini Pictures

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010
Katy Perry Bikini Pictures Katy Perry Bikini Pictures

Since our Katy Perry pictures went over so well, I thought I’d post more pictures of her hanging out and about in a red and grey bikini. Oh, I forgot to congratulate Katy on her marriage to comedian Russell Brand. Those two look like they are perfect for each other. I hope they have a long lasting marriage. It’s just like a dream the rock star marrying the movie star and maybe Katy will star in one of his movies one day. I think he’s hilarious. Katy is the kind of girl that I’d really like to hang out with and hopefully one day I’ll get to meet her.

Photo Credit: Picture Push