Hey Hey Hey!! Oh you know it’s your favorite sexy bikini dude, Mr. Lance Butts, back from an awesome weekend with my buddies Tony Fish, Vinnie Lasagne and Pauly Meathead. Pauly made a boo-boo and bought home a stray. She was drunk and was throwing up all over the place and kept us up all night long. I must admit that she was hot but it’s not worth it. Now she’s calling him 4-5 times a day to hook up again and he doesn’t want to. I hate to say it buddy, but I told you so. Figuring out how to dump her gently isn’t a problem for me but Pauly is a nice guy. Oh well.
Let’s welcome back the very spunky and opinionated Aubrey O’Day. I remember watching her on Celebrity Apprentice and she would talk and talk and talk. I don’t like girls that talk that much even if they are cute like her. She does look really stunning in a neon green bikini. It shows off her buxom assets and I like that. I guess she was trying to channel Pam Anderson from Baywatch. There’s only ONE Pam Anderson but she’s close.