Archive for the ‘Trista Sutter’ Category

Trista Sutter Bikini Pictures

Tuesday, March 9th, 2010
Trista Sutter Bikini Pictures Trista Sutter Bikini Pictures

Hey everybody, it’s Jenny Bikini and I’m glad to be back. I thought I’d start off with a few pictures of cute reality tv star Trista Sutter. Remember she was the Bachlorette.

It’s so amazing how she was just a regular person a while ago and now she’s famously known all over the world and she didn’t have to work years and years like other celebrities did to get known.

I love how she looks in the white bikini. She’s got rock hard abs and really nice skin tone. I wonder if she works out because she just looks naturally toned. Who am I kidding, she probably has about three trainers.
Photo Credit: Flynet