Back by popular demand is more of Mob Wives Chicago, reality TV star, Pia Rizza. This time Pia is sporting a lovely all black string bikini. You can see that she’s not shy about flaunting her curves while walking along the beach. Pia is classy with lots of spunk on the show. I love her character.
Oh, my lovely babies, it’s time to gently pass you over to Mr. Lance Butts and his crazy crew of friends who follow him everywhere he goes. I don’t know why but it’s kind of weird in a way. You don’t see me with a bunch of girls hanging out with me although if I did, I’m sure Lance and his friends would be always hanging around me too! Ok, scratch that! Please take good care of yourselves and remember that JENNY BIKINI LOVES YOU!! I hope that my hubby, Gerald, will surprise me again this weekend with another lovely trip. I’m so in love!!!! Ok…TOODLES!!! SMOOCHES!!! Love you!