Happy New Year! It’s the Lance Man sending you happy greetings for this wonderful new year 2011! I feel like this is going to be my year. No more drama (at least I hope but I doubt it). I want this year to be the one where I look back on when I get old and think “Yeah, that was my year”. Ok, let’s get started with the hot celebrity gossip!
Oh yeah, it’s super sweet and sexy Bar Refaeli looking extra scrumptious in a like a purple, pink and white bikini. Needless to say, she’d look good in any color bikini. Her sunglasses look really cool on her but I guess that’s what they call the Rockstar Look.
Hey Bar, anytime you get tired of that old man of yours (and I mean old – Leonardo is really getting up there), just give me a call. I may not have as much money has Leo but I know how to treat a lady to a nice night out on the town.
I really hope my girlfriends Barbie and Bambi aren’t reading this…..Next!
Photo Credit: Bauer-Griffin