It’s so great to see more pictures of the beautiful Gwen Stefani. She’s back by popular demand but mostly because our boss really has a big crush on her. That’s all he ever talks about is Gwen Stefani this and that. I think it’s cute. Here she is in a very colorful bikini talking on her cellie. In the other picture, she’s walking along with her son who is a total cutie pie. These pictures are pure paparazzi pictures that looks like they caught her when she least expected it. We don’t care, we just love getting pictures of her anyway we can. Gwen is a women with it all and I’d love to meet her in person. Ok, my babies, have a great weekend and see you soon. Until then, remember that Jenny Bikini loves you all!!!!! Muah! Muah! Muah!
Photo Credit: PacificCoastNews