Gwen Stefani Bikini Pictures

Gwen Stefani Bikini Pictures Gwen Stefani Bikini Pictures

Happy Memorial Day my wonderful babies!!!! I’m so glad to be back with you and sharing awesome pictures of the hottest celebrities in their sexy bikinis!!!! Jenny Bikini loves her babies and today I have these great pictures of Gwen Stefani looking totally “delish” in a black and white couture bikini. Black and white are the colors for this Summer and it’s just like Gwen to already know what to wear. What I wouldn’t do to have her body!! She’s one of my favorite celebs and sharing her pictures with you is my pleasure. Have a great holiday today and remember to eat lots of bbq! I’m working but our boss is giving us half the day off so I have just enough time to make it to my family cook-out!! Happy eating and God bless our troops!!

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