Hey Hey Hey! It’s the Lance Man back to THRILL you with the hottest pictures of celebs in bikinis! Yeah I know you missed me. 🙂 It’s a happy day and I’m so glad that my life is changing for the better. I’ll let you in on the juicy details below!
Right now, let’s welcome the very beautiful Laura Croft to Celebrity Bikini Gossip for the first time. No, it’s not the action hero although she’s fine too. This one is an American model. She was the Playmate of the Month for the July 2008 issue of Playboy magazine. I missed that issue so I think I’ll need to go over to Hef’s house to catch up.
Croft appeared as WWE Superstar Randy Orton’s “wife” in an angle on an episode of WWE Raw. She now co-stars in the E! series Holly’s World and is studying to be a personal physical fitness trainer. Nice. I hope to see much more of her, especially in hot bikinis.
Well, you guys, the Lance Man just hit the jackpot. I like cougars and that’s no secret. Although this particular cougar is my mother’s best friend. Her name is Gail and she’s my mother’s age. The woman is very wealthy which always intrigued me. Her husband died and left her millions. I guess she heard about my break up with Barbie and Bambi and she called me to console me. We met Sunday night for cocktails and the rest is Lance Man history. I won’t kiss and tell but let’s just say that she stopped by for lunch today at my job and bought me a new Rolex. Jackpot! I’ve needed a woman like this. Someone who understands me. The only problem is telling my mom. Thankfully my mother doesn’t read my articles but my friends and family members do. So….seems like the Lance Man is back in full drama effect!! We’re going out to this fancy restaurant for dinner tonight. I’m so excited. I’ll keep you all posted! PEACE!
Photo Credit: WENN