Heidi Montag and Crystal Harris Bikini Pictures

Heidi Montag and Crystal Harris Bikini Pictures Bikini Pictures Heidi Montag and Crystal Harris Bikini Pictures Bikini Pictures

Girls will be girls and it looks like Crystal Harris and Heidi Montag are total bff’s. They’re hanging out and partying it up in Las Vegas after Crystal Harris’ runaway bride episode. It’s Crystal Harris’ first time on Celebrity Bikini Gossip so let’s give her a warm welcome. These girls look like they’re having so much fun and their bikinis are very cute. Heidi Montag’s bikini is peach and it’s fitting her perfectly. Crystal Harris is wearing a leopard print silk cover-up over top a black bikini. In one of the photos, Crystal Harris is enjoying a glass of champagne and dancing around celebrating her new found freedom. Maybe Heidi Montag was giving Crystal Harris some marriage tips for the future.

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