Hey hey hey!!!! It’s the Lance Man back from an awesome weekend with my best buddy Tony Fish. I’ll give you all of the juicy details!
Let’s start this week of with some nice plump lipped pictures of Victoria Silvstedt lounging around in a khaki green bikini. I think she’s had a lip reduction because her lips don’t look as gawdy as they used to and if so, then kudos to you Vicky. As usual she looks hot in her bikini and Vicky always makes sure she has the best all over body tan. Keep up the great work Vicky.
Now about my weekend! It was totally fabulous. We went down to Mexico and had a ball. The girls are so friendly down there, I wonder why? 🙂 We were good boys and just hung out at a few dance clubs and we didn’t bring home any strays! Mexico is fun.
Photo Credit: Fame