Everybody cut Footloose!! That’s the tune that this beautiful blonde actress is singing these days. Julianne Hough is the sister of Derek Hough who is a dancer on the TV show DWTS. Julianne is an awesome dancer too which she displayed on last week’s DWTS results show. The movie Footloose is a remake and it’s climbing to #1 at the box office which means her career is about to take off! Good luck Julianne and we always love it whenever you’re gracing us by posing in sexy bikinis!! I’m Footloose for Julianne!!
Ok, dudes and dudettes, it’s time to pass the buck over to Ms. Jenny Bikini. She’s a sweet girl and now that she has a boyfriend, I don’t have to worry about her giving me long stares anymore. (Just kidding). Until next time, party hearty but please don’t bring home any strays!!! PEACE!!!