Totally new to Celebrity Bikini Gossip is reality TV star Taylor Armstrong. She’s one of the cast on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Our condolences to her for recently losing her husband Russell recently. I’ve watched the show and my heart goes out to Taylor. She is such a sweet person and doesn’t deserve all of that heartache. In these photos it looks like she’s taking a break to walk along the beach to reflect. Her rainbow striped bikini is very pretty. I wish you a better 2012 Taylor and looking forward to watching you on the show.
My wonderful Celebrity Bikini Gossip babies, it’s time for Jenny Bikini to gently hand you over to Mr. Lance Butts. He’ll probably stumble into work on Monday with the same clothes that he had on Friday. lol. I’ve had such a wonderful time sharing photos with you and can’t wait to be with you again. Please take great care of yourselves. Have a great weekend and remember that JENNY BIKINI LOVES YOU!!!! Gerald says Hi!! I think he’s going to surprise me with another short trip. That’s why I’m so glad I held out and saved all of my love for him!! Ok, my sweet babies, see you very soon!!! Toodles!!! Smooches!!! JB