Elisabetta Gregoraci Briatores Bikini Pictures

Elisabetta Briatores Bikini Pictures Elisabetta Briatores Bikini Pictures

Frolicking in a very cute blue halter top bikini is Elisabetta Gregoraci Briatores. Who is Elisabetta Gregoraci Briatores? She’s a very smart women who bagged herself a rich husband. Her hubby is Flavio Briatore, an Italian businessman. She’s 28 and he’s 62, get the picture. They were married on June 14, 2008. Her maiden name is Gregoraci and she’s mostly know for being the Wonderbra model. She was born in Soverato, province of Catanzaro, Calabria, in southern Italy. Elisabetta started her career on the Italian television show Libero as a dancer. It’s good that she has a career other than just being the wife of a rich dude.

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