Hey Hey Hey, oh yeah it’s me Mr. Lance Man back from a groovy weekend with my buddies Tony Fish, Vinnie Lasagne and Pauly Meathead. I love my buddies so much! We have such a wonderful bromance going on and no girl shall ever break us up!!
Ok, let’s get started with some nice pictures of Mob Wives Chicago – Pia Rizza looking rather hot in an all white bikini. Pia is quite the cougar and right up my alley. Her rather misjudged attempt to appear in Playboy magazine was rejected last month by CEO Hugh Hefner. But while Pia Rizza won’t be stripping off for the men’s publication anytime soon, the star is certainly not covering up. The former Mob Wives Chicago personality was spotted on a Los Angeles Beach on Tuesday, showing off her curvaceous body. Go Pia!