Lauren Stoner is known for her antics on The Spin Crowd. Yet the former star of the Kim Kardashian-produced reality show is becoming more famous for parading her scantily clad figure around Miami’s South Beach, Florida. The 28-year-old Lauren was at her best again on Sunday as she showcased her amazingly tanned and toned body in a royal-blue bikini.
You can see that she has no problem wearing anything that she puts on. Too bad she’s too young at 28 yrs old. I’m looking for deep maturity although Lauren is very cute.
Now now now!! It’s perfect time for me to pass you over to Mrs. Jenny Bikini (remember I said Mrs. or she will have a fit). This weekend my buddies Tony Fish, Vinnie Lasagne and Pauly Meathead and I are in search for some cool weather so not sure what we are going to do. It’s really hot in Florida which, although, brings out the hot babes, keeps the cougars inside because they’re avoiding the sun. So until next time, remember to never do anything that we would do and DON’T bring home any strays!! PEACE!!