Hello Hello Hello! It’s a beautiful week at the Monster Bikini Spot with my buddies Vinnie Lasagne, Pauly Meathead, Tony Fish and I! We finally are working out the living arrangements with regard to the girls! Oh boy we were scared for a moment. I’m a laid back kind of guy so the dudes all know to keep the noise low when I’m around. I have to tolerate some wild craziness from girls now and then and I don’t mind it much. I’m still looking for the cougar babe to love me. Speaking of…..
I wanted to start this week off with my favorite cougar American actress! Tori Spelling. Oh boy! I’ve had a crush on her ever since way back in the days she was on TV and even more now because she’s a grown woman ripe with kids and a hubby. Tori needs to get treated like a queen on a pedestal because she’s a very nice human being. She’ll do anything for her family and it shows. I wish her good luck with her reality TV show and I will continue to grace her in my dreams. Doesn’t her figure look amazing in that blue and white patterned bikini? She can wear a paper sack and still look stunning!