Well if it isn’t the Diva herself, Mrs. Nick Cannon aka: Mariah Carey.
I love the one piece black swimsuit that she has on. She’s the only one with enough nerve to wear super high heels while attempting to walk down a flight of deep stairs. Only Mariah.
Everyone’s talking about the weight that she’s been putting on, saying that she might be preggers. If she is, that’s great, if she isn’t that’s ok too. Just let Mariah do whatever she wants to do. She’s paid her dues and it looks like marriage is agreeing with her. I’m happy for her. But she should get a bun in the oven, her bio-clock is ticking….tick tock..tick tock
I’m out peeps! Catch you next week and a note to Lance Butts. I want my $20, I know you have your check.
Photo Credit: SplashNewsOnline