Archive for the ‘Michelle Hunziker’ Category

Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures

Friday, June 8th, 2012
Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures

Back by popular demand because we received so much positive feedback and yearning for more pictures is Swiss TV hostess and actress Michelle Hunziker.

I don’t blame you for wanting to see more of this lovely blonde beauty. In these pictures, Michelle is sporting a wildly colored string bikini on a beach. Look at the way the wind is blowing her hair around. She’s so hot. We’re spoiling you with picture of front and back views of Michelle in her darling swimsuit.

Michelle anytime that you want personal bodyguards at no cost, just give me a call and me and my buddies will run to the rescue.

Alright, dudes and dudettes!!! It’s time to hand you over to Miss Jenny Bikini who happens to think I’m jealous of her “relationship” if that’s what you want to call it. I call it her stalking her boyfriend 24 hours a day until he felt so sorry that he proposed. Sorry Jenny fans but that’s my opinion. She calls my buddies creeps and they’re my family. So I guess I’m not getting invited to the wedding. Booo Hooo!! Ok, looks like me and my buddies Tony Fish, Pauly Meathead and Vinnie Lasagne are heading out to Miami!! What happens in Miami, stays in Miami. So until next time, don’t do anything that we would do and definitely don’t bring home any strays!!! No way!!! PEACE!!

Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures

Thursday, June 7th, 2012
Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures

It’s always a pleasure to post pictures of Michelle Hunziker sporting a lovely bikini. This Swiss TV hostess and actress makes sure everything is in place while out and about. In these pictures she’s walking along a beach wearing an all white bikini top and bottom with gold accents and a white wrap.

You can see by her luscious body tan that Michelle loves the beach. She always looks perfectly poised and camera ready. Is it a Swiss thing? Keep up the awesome job and hope to see lots more of you in beautiful bikinis either at the beach or on a lake, or just anywhere.

Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures

Wednesday, June 15th, 2011
Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures

Michelle Hunziker’s pink bikini is fabulous. This Swedish bikini model and International celebrity really knows how to look great snorkeling in the ocean. It’s like she’s “model ready” the way that she throws her head back and shakes her hair. Well she has flawless features and I guess that really helps when you’re a model. Michelle is very busy doing charity work and we’re always happy to showcase her photos here on Celebrity Bikini Gossip. We missed you Michelle and glad you’re back out and about in your great taste in bikinis.

Oh how time passes when you’re having a great time. It’s time to pass this party train over to Mr. Lance Butts who isn’t looking as chipper or happy around the office as he was in the earlier weeks. Maybe something is up? Who knows…I always get the office news after the…Take care of yourself everyone and I am counting the moments until we can be together again!!! Toodles!! JB

Photo Credit: PacificCoastNews

Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures

Friday, December 3rd, 2010
Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures

Heeeeyyyyyy! It’s Jenny Bikini here!!!! Hello my lovelies. Whenever I’m away from you all, I feel like it’s forever! I can’t wait to get back to gossiping about hot celebrities in sexy bikinis. First let me make a comment about Mr. Butts fixing me up on dates and yes he has tried but his friends need to learn some manners. They burp in public and drink too much beer. I appreciate the effort Lance but I can find my own date. Now….let’s enjoy these pictures of Michelle Hunziker in a beautiful colorful bikini. Sometimes we can pick which celebs we want to write about and then other times our boss just says “Put this up and write about it”. Michelle Hunziker is one of those. Our boss loves her so here she is. She’s a german actress/model and he thinks that she’s so beautiful. She is very beautiful and anything to please the boss!

Photo Credit: Artist Bikini

Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures

Friday, April 30th, 2010
Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures

The response to Michelle Hunziker’s photo gallery has been so overwhelming that I just had to put up another gallery of her.

She’s a very beautiful girl and I guess folks just love looking at her body. She looks awesome in a bikini and if she knew that so many people liked her bikini pictures, she might look into doing some tv work or something.

Ok, I’m out and have a great weekend everyone. Next up is Lance Butts who still owes me $20. I know I’ll never see it.

Photo Credit: SplashNewsOnline

Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures

Thursday, April 22nd, 2010
Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures

I can’t believe the response that we’ve been getting for Michelle Hunziker. So I thought I’d please our fans with just one more set of her.

Yes, she’s very beautiful and looks awesome in a bikini.

Ok, you guys, I’m out for now. Up next is Lance Butts who will rock your world – yeah right!

Photo Credit: SplashNewOnline

Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010
Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures

Since the reception on the pictures of Michelle Hunziker went so well, I thought I’d post some more pictures of her. Looks like she has quite an American following.

I love the bikini that she is wearing. Her body style is slim and natural. She doesn’t look at all plastic, fake or put together.

I would like to see her do more American stuff because she’s really cute. Enjoy.

Photo Credit: SplashNewOnline

Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures

Monday, April 19th, 2010
Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures Michelle Hunziker Bikini Pictures

Hey all you bikini lovers, it’s the Lance Man back from another fabulous weekend. Yeah I really do it up big. Went out to the Florida Keys and had a great time with 3 hot bikini babes. Can’t tell you anymore, this is a G-rated site.

Ok, so let’s get started with some pictures of hot a Swiss actress, model, singer and a television personality known to Italian and German people known as Michelle Hunziker. That last name sounds so nazi, it’s a wonder she’s getting any work at all.

It’s probably because her bod is awesome and she looks really nice in a bikini. Looks like she’s a natural type of girl without any plastic enhancements but you never know. Sometimes they get them really small so they look natural. Anyways she’s still hot.

Ok, I’m out for a few days while Jenny Bikini does her thing! Stay cool!

Photo Credit: SplashNewOnline