Brand new to Celebrity Bikini Gossip is the totally stunning Kawena Chun. Who is Kawena Chung? She’s a Hawaiian model that is coming up in the ranks very fast. She’s done quite a few photo shoots in reputable magazines and the only thing that’s missing is her very own reality TV show. In these photos, she’s sporting a bright orange bikini that shows off her naturally tanned skin and beautiful smile. We’re going to keep our eyes and ears alert for this Hawaiian beauty.
Ok, dudes and dudettes, Tony Fish and Vinnie Lasagna and I are jetting off to Atlantic City. Vinnie’s sister lives there and she works in a casino and is giving us VIP treatment. I can’t wait. I’ve never been there and although it’s more chilly than Florida, we’re going to rock the night just like we always do. However, we’re not bringing home any strays, no way!! Until next time, be as bad as you can!! PEACE!!