Back to capture your heart is lovely supermodel Bar Refaeli. Every time we post pictures of her, our readers go crazy! We’re spoiling you with two pictures of Miss Refaeli wearing two different bikinis. The photo on the left shows Bar striking a dynamic and daring pose in a multi-colored aztec inspired bikini. I love the way her hair is all wild and messy. The picture on the right features Bar looking more demure and darling in a white and silver bikini that really compliments her skin tone. She really knows how to move for the camera which is why she’s one of the most in demand supermodels in the world. We love you Bar and I’m still single.
Ok, dudes and dudettes, it’s time to hand you over to Miss Jenny Bikini. Everyone in the office always says how nice and cheerful she is. I think she’s ok but sometimes all that cheery-ness can be a bit much. Can you be happy all of the time? Maybe I’m just jealous is what she says. I probably am but don’t know why. Anyways, have a great weekend and me and my buddies, Tony Fish, Vinnie Lasagne and Pauly Meathead are headed for Las Vegas this weekend. One of my celeb friends got us some free tickets to a Vegas show and we plan on staying at the Palms. I love the Palms. The ladies in Vegas are so friendly too. I wonder why?? lol….Ok, until next time, remember, DON’T bring home any strays and DON’T do anything that we would do because we’re naughty boys!! PEACE!!!