Back by popular demand are more pictures of stunning brunette Emma Miller hanging out on a yacht in Monaco. This time she’s changed into a once-piece monokini black swimsuit accessorized with dark sunglasses to really give her that movie star appeal. She’s soaking up the sun and making sure that all eyes are on her and they are! I’m just glad that my hubby’s eyes aren’t on her but I’m not worried about him really because I know he only has eyes for me.
Ok, my sweet darlings, it’s time to gently hand you over to Mr. Lance Butts and his motley crew of friends who I hear have moved in together into the same house! Oh no! There goes the neighborhood! I’ve never seen grown men giggle so much. They are absolutely giddy about living together as if it’s like one big sleep over party of dudes. Oh well, I’m sure they are going to have lots of stories to tell. So, remember to take care of yourselves and that Jenny Bikini loves and misses you!! TOODLES!! SMOOCHES!!!