You’re in for a double treat with these awesome pictures of Miss America (Mallory Hytes Hagan) in a stunning black bikini and Miss Hawaii (Skyler Kamaka) in a darling red bikini top and black bikini bottom. Miss America and Miss Hawaii swapped the pageant stage for the beach for an unofficial swimsuit round in Maui on Monday. But this time they were off the strict pageant diet. In place of the fake tan, glossy hair and flat stomachs, the beauty queens looked more like normal girls with curves in all the right places as they filled out their bikinis. These girls are beautiful and I wish them so much success with their careers.
Ok, my precious babies, it’s time to hand you gently over to Mr. Lance Butts and his buddies. I might as well say his buddies because they follow him around everywhere. That’s just a little bit too much bromance for me. lol Anyways, I think my hubby is going to surprise me again this weekend and I’m not suppose to know but I’m a great investigator!! So remember until the next time we meet my dearests, Jenny Bikini LOVES YOU!! Toodles!! Smooches!!