What’s up everybody! It’s the Lance Man back from my long Las Vegas weekend and boy do I have a story for you.
But first let’s gossip about Ice T’s (aka: Tracy Marrow) wife Coco (aka: Nicole Natalie Austin) . Ice T currently stars on the NBC show Law and Order: SVU. Coco is hot and they’ve been married ever since 2005.
She’s a swimsuit model and actress. Coco was even on an episode of L&O and she’s been in other low budge movies. Every guy I talk about to her thinks she’s awesome hot. Nice going Mr. T.
Ok, I wanted to let you know how my Vegas weekend went with that girl that I met on the internet. First off, NO, she didn’t look like her picture. She sent me a picture of someone who was about 5’10, blonde, a 44DD and about 120 pounds. What showed up was a 5’1, 170 pound, pock face girl with a tooth missing on the side of her mouth. She said that the picture she sent me was 5 years old. 5 years old??? So she shrunk in 5 years! Dudes, I told her that I was gay and was just experimenting with women and I couldn’t go through with it. How else was I suppose to dump her? Dudes, the Lance Man has learned his lesson. Next time, I want to see a babe’s web cam if I meet them over the internet. Damn!
Photo Credit: PacificCoastNews