Happy Monday!!!! I love Mondays…Why? Because it’s the beginning of the week and everything is so fresh and new. Don’t get me wrong, I love Fridays too. LOL.. Ok, you guys, it’s me Jenny Bikini and it’s a wonderful day. Let’s get down to business with some hot celebrity bikini gossip. Back by popular demand are more pictures of French TV host Laurie Cholewa. Wow she received a very positive response to her pictures that we posted on Friday so I thought I’d treat you guys/girls to some more of her. Yes, she’s very beautiful and too bad we can’t see much of her over here in the states. Oh well, if you need to see her, just come right her to Celebrity Bikini Gossip! I love her bikini!
Geez, time sure passes by so fast! It’s the beginning of the week and already I have to say goodbye so soon. Well not for too long. Next up is Mr. Lance Butts and he’s bringing you the hottest Celebrity Bikini Gossip in the world!!! Toodles!! I’ll miss you all!!!
Photo Credit: PacificCoastNews