Back by popular demand are more photos of Ferne McCann, this time in a sultry red bikini. Splashing around in the water, Ferne slicked her long brunette locks back for a wet-look while striking a couple of sultry poses. She recently admitted that she needed to get out of the UK, and chose to jet off to Tenerife with her friend Kayleigh Hawkins. Ferne split with boyfriend Charlie Sims when he was caught cheating last year, and took another break over Christmas when Sam Faiers’ BFF admitted to having ‘trust issues’. And, in recent weeks, Ferne hinted at a third break-up. I hope things work out for her.
Okie dokie my lovely Celebrity Bikini Gossip lovelies. Time just breezes by so quickly when we are having fun. Now it’s time to gently hand you over to Mr. Lance Butts and his crazy motley crew of misfits who don’t really work but always seem to travel to some exotic place. Must be nice to still live with your parents at 35 yrs old. lol Anyways….I plan on spending my next week with my hubby and looking forward to Valentine’s Day. I hope that you have a great one too and see you soon!! Always remember that Jenny Bikini LOVES YOU!!! Toodles!! Smooches!!