Hey hey hey, now that’s what I’m talking about. I don’t mind watching two babes hanging out together at the beach even if they do look like the fish Flipper. Looks like Shauna Sand decided to bring along one of her botox clone friends.
First let me say they both have banging bodies. Give me a paper bag and I’m all over it. Her friend is even more endowed than Shauna is and that’s fine by me.
They both still have fish lips though. Her friend’s lips look even more botoxy than Shauna’s. What is going on in Hollywood with the botox?
Let me say this loud and clear – “Ladies – Puff the Dragon lips aren’t sexy unless you have them naturally like Angelina Jolie or Julia Roberts. If you don’t have them, then don’t try to get them or you’ll end looking like a sea bass.
Ok, I’m out. Don’t party too hard but if you do, make sure there isn’t a video camera around. Peace!
Photo Credit: WENN