Oh wow, it’s Jwoww from the MTV reality tv show – Jersey Shore which is currently filming in Miami, Florida. I like Jwoww but I really like Snookie with her hair up in a bun and smart remarks. Well the latest gossip about her is that she’s being sued by some lady who she got a fight into with at a bar. The lady doesn’t want the fight aired on MTV and of course, that’s not gonna happen. MTV lives for this type of drama. I can’t wait to find out if they are going to air the footage or not, so let’s stay tuned. Anywho…she looks really cute in her bikini and I can’t wait to see the Jersey Shore in Miami!!
Well, it’s time for me to head out and before I go, I want to apologize to Lance Butts for the negative comments that I make about him. I just want to tell him that I’m sorry for….for not telling the truth sooner about how cheap he is. This dude is so cheap, for his mother’s birthday, he re-wraps and gives her back the present she gave to him for his. Please don’t date him. Ok, everyone have a great week!!!
Photo Credit: PacificCoastNews