Welcome to the terror dome!! It’s the Lance Man and I’m ready to rock your world with the hottest gossip about celebs in bikinis. I’m still a little hung over from the extra long week in Mexico with my buds, so let’s just hope the boss doesn’t catch me nodding off. I’m just kidding. Let’s get started……
Hey here’s the plastic surgery queen Heidi Montag! Actually she’s looking quite hot in this picture. She’s not looking like a hot mess like she usually does.
Heidi gets a bad rap because she’s had so many plastic surgeries. I just think that her face looks jacked up. It doesn’t look natural like it used to. It’s distorted. Her body is hot but she’s shaped like a Barbie Doll which looks like she’s sculpted. I wonder if she’ll fall apart if you took the plastic pieces out.
Anyways, she’s still famous, so go figure. Next……
Photo Credit: PacificCoastNews