She’s toxic! Here’s my favorite poplet hanging out in a super sexy pink bikini. Yes, it’s Britney Spears.
I can’t believe that Britney’s face isn’t plastered all over the tabloids right now. She must really enjoy her celebrity bashing break. I like Brit Brit and am so glad to see that’s she’s doing well. Keep up the great work Brit!
Well folks, it’s time for the Lance Man to bid you farewell for a few days. Up next is the very spunky Jenny Bikini. I don’t see how she can remain cheerful and friendly ALL OF THE TIME. One day she’s gonna snap. I just know it. lol Until we see each other again, take care of yourselves and do anything I would do! PEACE! Barbie and Bambi here I come. I couldn’t stay away from them. I’m just gonna let nature take it’s course. lol
Photo Credit: Just Jared