Back by popular demand is the awesome Lance Man!!! I know you missed me baby! Hey, have I got a story for you guys. As always, the Lance Man is very popular with the ladies and this past weekend was no different. As a matter of fact, something very interesting happened and I’ll give you all of the details below. But now…
I wanted to perk up your senses with these pictures of Denise Milani. We received some great feedback due to the pictures we put up last week. She’s super hot right? I know! I received so much mail asking how they could meet up with her. Dudes….I don’t know…stop asking me ok? I want to know just like you do, ok and if I knew, I WOULDN’T TELL YOU. Ok….let’s get real. I’d keep it for myself, of course. Anyways…..she looks even hotter in these photos right?
Oh Denise, if you’re reading this, contact me. I’d love to take you out, ok? Honestly, if you have a boyfriend, he can come too. I’m dead serious.
Now, about my weekend. Well I was talking to Barbie and Bambie (my lovely amazons) about doing something to spruce up our relationship and these girls listen very well. They just so happen to have a girlfriend named “Blonde Bomb” and they introduced me to her. So I won’t get into the gory details but yes, I had my first “sort of” foursome this weekend. Nothing too kinky, just hanging out in the jacuzzi and getting to know each other. No way was Bambi and Barbie going to let Blonde Bomb get to know me that well but she slipped me her number when they weren’t looking. I’d feel like a cheater if I called her but I don’t see a ring on this finger. You understand fellas? Let’s just say, I didn’t tear the number up but Bambi and Barbie read this site so I might be in some trouble. I’ll keep you posted…..
Photo Credit: Bloody Disgusting