Hey it’s the Lance Man back with more pictures of the lovely Jenny McCarthy. I just love this woman so much, I had to bring her back. There is no reason for this woman to be single for more than an hour. I like her more and more every time that I see her on TV. Hey Jenny, if you read this, I just want you to know that I’m your biggest fan and if I didn’t have my twin girlfriends Barbie and Bambi, I’d work to make you my woman. I don’t care about the money or anything, I just want you! Mr. Carey doesn’t know what he just let go and even if he begs to come back, don’t let him because he should have never let you go in the first place. You are a queen!
Ok, now that I’ve just begged Jenny McCarthy to be with me, I’ll probably be in some trouble with Barbie and Bambi but it will only add to the new batch of drama that dropped into my lap this morning. Apparently Brittany, Barbie and Bambi’s younger sister called them and told them both that she was in love with me and that she was going to do her best to take me away from them. So far I’ve received over 100 text messages from Barbie and Bambi and I’m not going to answer them. I’ll probably call up my friend Tony Fish and spend the night over his house to avoid this drama! It’s a good thing it’s the weekend so Barbie and Bambi if you’re reading this…I’m gone for the weekend. Don’t call or text me anymore because I’m throwing my phone away. I love you readers and I’ll see you next week! Hopefully by that time I will have slithered out of this mess like I have the other messes. You gotta laugh!! lol Up next is the beautiful Jenny Bikini! See how delirious I am. PEACE!!!!!