Gracing the pages of Celebrity Bikini Gossip for the first time is the very pretty Amy Childs. Amy is a British reality television participant and television presenter. She now writes a column for New! magazine and presents a regular fashion segment on ITV1’s This Morning. Doesn’t she look stunning in both bikinis? Wow! She’s completely flawless and I guess that what you have to look like to be a TV presenter overseas. I’m totally loving the leopard print swimsuit. Hope to see much more of you to come Amy.
Ok, my wonderful babies, it’s time to pass our time over to Mr. Lance Butts. He congratulated me on my new relationship and I thought that was very nice of him. He can be nice when he wants to be. Ok, until we meet again, be good to yourselves and remember that Jenny Bikini loves you!!! Toodles!! Smooches!! JB