Gracing our pages with her spunkiness is pop singer, TV and movie star Miley Cyrus. Wow Miley is growing up fast. I loved watching her on Hannah Montana and now she’s making movies and hit records. She looks really nice in a grey bikini with ruffles on the bikini top. One thing that I like about Miley is that she’s always herself. You never get any pretense or Hollywood bratness with her. She’s mature and already a big star and it looks like she’s handling it very well. Go Miley!!
Ok, my babies, as usual, time goes by so fast so I will pass you gently over to Mr. Lance Butts. I’m so happy and still dating Gerald. As a matter of fact, we have plans to go to a Halloween theme park this weekend and I’m so excited. Until we meet again, please take care of yourselves and remember that Jenny Bikini loves you!!! Toodles!! Smooches!! JB