Hey Hey Hey it’s Monday and the Lance Man is back from a spectacular weekend with my buddies Tony Fish, Vinnie Lasagne and Pauly Meathead. What did we do? We took a nice trip to Mexico and barely got back in one piece. The tequila was flowing too heavily. I remember part of the trip but it involves a goat and a pack of skittles. I can’t put the connection together and my buddies can’t remember anything. But hey, that’s how we party!
Ok, I’m very excited to post these pictures of AnnaLynne Lynne McCord wearing a very colorful pink, blue, white and yellow bikini. She’s enjoying herself on the beach and don’t you wish you were hanging out with her? I do. AnnaLynne McCord’s bikini fashion is always perfect. I wonder if she does her own bikini shopping or has her assistant do it for her. Oh well it doesn’t really matter because she’s hot!