Back by popular demand (see I told you so), is the truly stunning Natasha Barnard. It seems that my boss is smitten with her and he just had to share these photos of Natasha wearing a very colorful striped and floral patterned bikini. I love the way the prints are matched together. You pretty much know that she can wear a sack cloth and make it look sexy. Keep your eyes open for much more of this lovely supermodel.
Alright, my babies, it’s time to hand you gently over to Mr. Lance Butts. He’s like a 5 yr old in a grown man’s body. Him and his buddies are always yelling around the office and because my boss favors him, he can do pretty much anything that he wants. Oh well, I’m too busy planning my wedding to even care. It’s getting closer and before you know it I will have “Mrs” in front of my name. Ok, my sweets, please take good care of yourselves and remember that JENNY BIKINI LOVES YOU!! SMOOCHES!! TOODLES!!!