Happy Black Friday! I’m so glad I’m at work and won’t have time to go out into that shopping madness today. Try not to knock too many old people over running down the aisles at Walmart.
To keep those of us who are staying clear happy are these pictures of Kim Kardashian paddling along wearing an animal print bikini. One thing I give her credit for is being able to really fill out a bikini just right. I think that Kim could wear a brown paper bag and look super sexy. Hey, I’m a dude!
Ok, dudes and dudettes, it’s time to hand you over to Miss Jenny Bikini and she’s so spunky and fun. I’m so full from eating so much turkey that I don’t think I need to eat for another week. Although I do like turkey, stuffing and cranberry sandwiches. To work off some of that pumpkin pie, go take down the turkey ornaments and put up those Christmas ornaments on your front lawn. Me and my buddies, Tony Fish, Vinnie Lasagne and Pauly Meathead are driving down to Mexico to see what kind of spicy trouble we can get into and I will tell you all about the gory details when I get back. Until then, remember to NEVER bring home any strays but if you do, just don’t give them your real name.