Red hot mumma! Tamara Ecclestone shows her super toned post-baby body in a red hot bikini in Ibiza.
She pretty much bounced back into shape nearly immediately after giving birth to her first child.
So it’s no wonder Tamara Ecclestone is enjoying the opportunity to show off her impressive physique as she soaks up the sun in Ibiza.
Alright, dudes and dudettes, it’s time to hand you over to Mrs. Jenny Bikini (see I said Mrs….because she is always stressing that is how we are to address her at the office..whatever!) Anyways, my buddies Tony Fish, Vinnie Lasagne and Pauly Meathead are headed to NYC and we’re taking the proper clothing in hopes it gets cold. Yeah, a little over the heat down here in Florida and would really love to see snow but know that won’t happen for at least a few more months up there. I will give you all of the fun details when we get back and this just calls for lots of celebration but we keep it safe and remember to NEVER bring home any STRAYS!! I’m looking for a hot cougar ladies so be on the look-out!! lol PEACE!!