Oh wow, it looks like Victoria Silvstedt is holding up her hands and saying “Stop, don’t take a picture yet….my latest plastic surgery hasn’t hardened – oops – healed yet!
This woman is amazing. She keeps having plastic surgery on her body and face thinking it’s making her more attractive when it’s making her look like Shrek.
I’m sorry but yeah she might have a banging body so, of course, you can put a bag over her head but when is it going to stop!!! Come on ladies, botox in moderation……
Ok, I’m out for the week and I know you’ll miss me. Up next is Jenny Bikini, the girl who was voted “Most Likely to Have to Pay for a Husband” in her high school year book. Poor girl just can’t get a man. The office pot for “Get Jenny A Date Fund” is up to $5.00. I’m out! PEACE…….
Photo Credit: Bauer-Griffin