Lady Gaga looks really hot in her leopard print bikini. I remember when she first came out, I honestly thought she would be a passing fad but turns out she became like a super idol super fast. I think it’s because she can really sing which helps. If she was a studio starlet, she wouldn’t have lasted this long because she’s not really pretty in the face.
Her gimmick is her wild fashion style but if she couldn’t sing live, her days would be numbered. I’ve been to one of her concerts and she sounds great live and her show is very theatrical.
She’s going out with this dorky dude that’s probably milking her for her money but I think she can do better than him, like with me. She kind of reminds me of Madonna and how crazy people were going over her back in the day. I’m very curious to see if her next album will be as fabulous as the previous ones. I’m sure it will.
Photo Credit: IBTimes